Thursday, May 1, 2014

Private Policy


Private Policy for "Project RTS" applicatons 
(include subversions named "Project RTS FULL", "Project RTS LITE").
Binary shape is author of application.

Author does not bear any responsibility for possible damage caused by the application!
You install the application at your own risk and responsibility!

The app can uses (depending on the version of the application) several modules inside them:
  • Google Play services
    for saving in game progress
The author of the application is not responsible for any user data collection by these modules. 
The app can uses (depending on the version of the application) several permissions of the device:
  • Access the memory card
    used for backup and save user levels; the app doesn't scan any other user's files.
  • Internet access
    used to ads services: Google Ads, Unity Ads. 
When author writing the application, it DID NOT set himself the task of collecting any data about the user and his preferences. ๐Ÿ“–
Any questions? ๐Ÿ’ฌ Write to us: ๐Ÿ“ง